انواع الكلمات المفتاحيه حسب فلترة جمعها

انواع الكلمات المفتاحيه حسب فلترة جمعها
The Difference Between High Intent and Low Intent Keywords
High intent keywords are also said to have high commercial intent. These keywords signify a strong intent on the part of the searcher to conduct a transaction, whether it be to buy something, inquire about a service, or another type of action that has a strong possibility of leading to a later sale.
There are three basic types of search query:
- Informational – searches performed to answer questions or learn something
- Navigational – searches performed to locate a specific website
- Transactional – searches performed to buy something
انواع الكلمات المفتاحيه حسب فلترتها وقت جمعها للبدأ فى تنفيذ خطة السيو
كلمات معلوماتية – عمليات بحث تتم للإجابة على الأسئلة أو تعلم شيء ما
التنقل او التصفح – عمليات البحث التي أجريت لتحديد موقع ويب محدد
كلماتك التجارية – عمليات البحث التي أجريت لشراء شيء

Commercial intent keywords are only relevant to transactional searches. If keywords can be considered “signals” from prospective customers, keywords with commercial intent are the most promising.
By contrast, low intent keywords are those that can be considered either navigational or informational in nature. Someone looking for information on a given topic or searching for a specific website is unlikely to commit to a purchase as a result of these types of searches, meaning their commercial intent is considerably lower.